Privacy Digest 04/23

Forget Milk and Eggs: Supermarkets Are Having a Fire Sale on Data About You

When you use supermarket discount cards, you are sharing much more than what is in your cart—and grocery chains like Kroger are reaping huge profits selling this data to brands and advertisers.

Discount Cards Supermarkets Kroger Albertsons Advertising Data Brokers Data Privacy Privacy

A researcher tried to buy mental health data. It was surprisingly easy.

A Duke University report found 11 data brokers agreed to sell information that identified people by issues, including depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, and often sorted them by demographic information.

Mental Health Data Data Brokers Data Privacy Buying Data

What is the best browser for privacy?

Ghostery has collated a list of private browsers, listing their origins, uses & benefits and shedding light on privacy concepts in mass market browsers. Read up on everything you should be checking for in private browsers to cover your needs.

Private Browsing Brave Tor Browser DuckDuckGo Firefox Opera Safari Vivaldi Ghostery Private Browser

Whistleblowers Take Note: Don’t Trust Cropping Tools

Cropping tools like those in Google Docs allow viewers to see the full, original images.

Google Google Docs Cropping Tools Data Leak

Protecting privacy online begins with tackling 'digital resignation'

Many people have become resigned to the fact that tech companies collect our private data. But policymakers must do more to limit the amount of personal information corporations can collect.

Privacy Literacy Digital Resignation Data Collection Data Privacy

When my dad was sick, I started Googling grief. Then I couldn’t escape it.

I’ve spent months trying to untrain the algorithms that were relentlessly serving me content on loss.

Surveillance Advertising Advertising Ad Tech Surveillance Capitalism
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